
Friday, September 27, 2024

10:00am - 10:30am

Check-in & Welcome Refreshments

Check-in, explore marketplace, and find your spot in the Main Room

10:30am - 10:45am

Opening Remarks

Jessica Snow, CEO & Co-Founder, Be Uninterrupted 

Suzanne Knight, Chief Product Officer & Co-Founder, Be Uninterrupted

10:45am - 12:00pm

Keynote Speakers

Moving Your Own Dial in Career and Life (Jodi Kovitz)

Say Less Get More: Negotiation Techniques to Get What You Want (Fotini Iconomopoulos)

12:00pm - 1:00pm


Enjoy the Four Seasons culinary experience and explore the marketplace of women-owned businesses

1:00pm - 1:30pm

Fireside Chat with Founding Members

1:30pm - 2:00pm

Breakout #1: Interruption Specific

Main Room: The Future of Finance is Female: The Five Principles of Habit Change for Financial Independence (Robyn Thompson)

Breakout Room: How to Get on a Board (Dr. Debora Rosati)

2:00pm - 2:30pm

Breakout #2: Interruption Specific

The Main Room: Future Proofing Your Brand and Career (Panel)

Breakout Room: Women's Health (Dr. Zein Faraj)

2:30pm - 2:45pm


2:45pm - 3:15pm

Breakout #3: Interruption Specific

Main Room: The Power Playbook: Women's Strategies for Conquering the C-Suite (Harriette Schumacher)

Breakout Room: Mastering the Understanding of Interrupting Emotions (Mary Rella)

3:15pm - 3:45pm

Fireside Chat with Lainey Lui: Her Next Chapter

Main Room

3:45pm - 4:15pm

A "Sneak Peak" & Closing Remarks

Jessica Snow, CEO & Co-Founder, Be Uninterrupted 

Suzanne Knight, Chief Product Officer & Co-Founder, Be Uninterrupted

4:15pm - 5:00pm

Cocktail Hour & Marketplace